Success and failure: Both are Distractions

Learning from everything
2 min readSep 4, 2021


We became happy when we achieve something and we became sad when we lose something or we do not get what we expected. We mostly waste so much time thinking when things are not going well with us. Mind tries to ask so many questions as follows.

  1. Why current situation are like this?
  2. This should not have happened.
  3. Why to me?
  4. I could have done this/that.
  5. Things could have been better.
  6. They have not treated me well.
  7. I should have told him that way.
  8. I was wrong then.

9. Why I have done this/that.

But all the questions go answer-less. The mind keeps on asking. It does not know how much time it wasted by asking these unreal questions. If you think deeply then you will realize these questions trap us. You take so much time to escape from this trap. Every human being goes through bad patches in their life. So try to ask a better question in your hardships. If the situation is not in your control say how wonderful. what next is to be done?

Similarly, when we achieve something great we think this is a good time, But it kills your time as well. We keep thinking about our success and achievement for so long. Keep thinking that I have worked so hard so I get the fruits. We try to judge ourselves and make comparisons with others. We became excited about our success but do not realize the amount of time that goes out during this imagination process. Eventually, it may lead to generate ego in the mind.

Instead of that, despite success or failure as soon as you ask the question “what next?”, you will be able to get rid of this time trap, and make progress in your life. So trained your mind to ask you the question “what next?” right after each success and failure. After-all you need a progressive mind.



Learning from everything

I am an educationalist. I like to learn a new thing every day.